25th Year Anniversary

Riikliku eriolukorra ajal töötame kodukontoris, aga tavapärases rütmis.
Oleme kättesaadavad nii e-kirja kui ka telefoni teel.



In creating websites we offer an all-in-one service, from coming up with a concept to handing over the completed site.



In creating websites we use freeware content managementinterfaces - WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!


To guarantee the recommended functionality we can use available plug-ins and, if necessary, create tailored plug-ins with which we can achieve exactly the functionality sought by the client


We come up with a suitable design or help to integrate designs devised by third parties into the website we create

Optimisation of smart devices

All of the websites we create are also set up for smart devices (responsive support), as a result of which the sites look user-friendly on computers, tablets and smart phones alike

Work process

Analysis and mapping of task

We analyse the client’s needs and draw up detailed analysis documents


Before initiating development work we create a visual/functional prototype with which the user experience (UX) of the website can be tested


Stage-by-stage development of the website (design, HTML, programming)

Training and user support

Handing over of the completed website (training, launch and user support)

Drawing up documents

We draw up both technical documents and user manuals for different groups of users


We test the website both manually and automatically in various stages
